Friday, 22 July 2011


Hi Kai,

Near where I live by the sea is a family of seals. I think the biggest one is called Frank but I don't like to ask him incase I scare him away. they seem to be there all year round but I'm not sure if they are the same seals all the time. Seals eat fish and shellfish. These seals like to pull themselves up onto the rocks at low tide and sunbathe and swim. I think they are happy there. I will borrow your grandma's camera and go and take some photos of them so you can see them. Maybe you can find out if the big one is called Frank and what the names of the others are.

Lots of love, Dad.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Hi Kai,
Last weekend I was in Poland for your aunt Rachel's wedding. She got married to Marcin and we all went out to Dibica in the South East of Poland where Marcin is from. I flew out on Friday morning and came back on Monday. Almost everyone was there, but you great granny wasn't feeling well enough to travel all that way, she was eighty last month, so she stayed at home with your great granda. There was lots of food and too much vodka which is a very strong alcoholic drink that I don't like. There was lots of sausages and ham and so many cakes. Rachel had a wedding cake that looked like a pair of swans. I dont know if they are symoblic to Polish people but your uncle Iain had a toy goose that looked just like the cake when he was a baby. Your cousin Jessica was a bridesmaid. Marcin wore a kilt, which is traditional Scottish clothing it's basically a tartan skirt.
Lots of love Dad